Orphacol Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


theravia - aċidu kolesteriku - digestive system diseases; metabolism, inborn errors - - aċidi tal-bili u d-derivattivi - orphacol huwa indikat għall-kura ta ' l-iżbalji inborn fil-primarja tal-bili-aċidu sintesi minħabba n-nuqqas ta ' oxidoreductase 3β-hydroxy-Δ5-c27-steroid jew in-nuqqas ta ' Δ4-3-oxosteroid-5β-reductase fl-trabi, tfal u adolexxenti ta ' età xahar għal 18-il sena u adulti.

Valtropin Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


biopartners gmbh - somatropin - turner syndrome; dwarfism, pituitary - ormoni u analogi pitwitarji u ipotalamiċi - pedjatriċi poulationlong-tul tal-kura ta ' tfal (2 sa 11-il sena) u adoloxxenti (12 sa 18-il sena) b'falliment tat-tkabbir minħabba tnixxija inadegwata ta'l-ormon tat-tkabbir endoġenu normali. il-kura ta'l-istatura qasira fi tfal bis-sindrome ta'turner, ikkonfermata b'analiżi kromosomika. il-kura ta ' dewmien fit-tkabbir fi qabel il-pubertà tfal b'insuffiċjenza kronika tal-kliewi. adulti patientsreplacement terapija fl-adulti bil-qawwi ormon tat-tkabbir ta ' jew fit-tfulija jew adulti bidu etjoloġija. pazjenti b'indeboliment ormon tat-tkabbir f'età adulta huma definiti bħala pazjenti b'patoloġija ipotalamika-pitwitarja magħrufa u mill-inqas defiċjenza oħra magħrufa ta'ormon pitwitarju li ma jkunx prolactin. dawn il-pazjenti għandu jkollhom test dinamiku wieħed sabiex tiġi ddijanjostikata jew eskluża defiċjenza tal-ormon tat-tkabbir. fil-pazjenti bil-tfulija-bidu iżolati ormon tat-tkabbir (l-ebda evidenza ta assi ipotalamika-pitwitarja-marda jew irradjazzjoni kranjali), żewġ testijiet dinamiċi għandhom jiġu rakkomandati, ħlief għal dawk li jkollhom baxx-insulina bħal fattur tat-tkabbir-1 (igf-1) fil-plażma (< 2-punteġġ ta'devjazzjoni standard (sds)), li jistgħu jiġu kkunsidrati għal test wieħed. - il-punt ta'qtugħ tat-test dinamiku għandu jkun strett.

Vantavo (previously Alendronate sodium and colecalciferol, MSD) Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)

vantavo (previously alendronate sodium and colecalciferol, msd)

n.v. organon - alendronic acid, colecalciferol - l-osteoporożi, il-menopawża - drogi għat-trattament ta 'mard tal-għadam - trattament ta 'osteoporożi ta' wara l-menopawsa f'pazjenti f'riskju ta 'insuffiċjenza ta' vitamina-d. vantavo inaqqas ir-riskju ta'ksur vertebrali u tal-ġenbejn. it-trattament ta'l-osteoporożi wara l-menopawsa f'pazjenti li mhux qed jirċievu l-vitamina d-supplimentazzjoni u li huma f'riskju ta ' vitamina d-insuffiċjenza. vantavo inaqqas ir-riskju ta'ksur vertebrali u tal-ġenbejn.

Imraldi Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


samsung bioepis nl b.v. - adalimumab - spondylitis, ankylosing; arthritis, rheumatoid; uveitis; colitis, ulcerative; psoriasis; arthritis, psoriatic; crohn disease; hidradenitis suppurativa; arthritis - immunosoppressanti - rewmatika arthritisimraldi flimkien ma ' methotrexate, huwa indikat għall -: - trattament ta moderata sa severa, artrite rewmatika attiva f'pazjenti adulti, meta r-rispons li jimmodifikaw il-marda anti-rewmatiċi-mediċini inkluż methotrexate, ma jkunx adegwat. il-kura ta attiva u progressiva severa, artrite rewmatika fl-adulti li ma kienux ittrattati qabel b'methotrexate. imraldi jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta trattamenti fit-tul b'methotrexate mhux adattat. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. juvenile idiopathic arthritispolyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritisimraldi in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, in patients from the age of 2 years who have had an inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). imraldi can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued treatment with methotrexate is inappropriate (for the efficacy in monotherapy see section 5. adalimumab ma ġiex studjat f'pazjenti li għandhom inqas minn 2 snin. enthesitis-related arthritisimraldi is indicated for the treatment of active enthesitis-related arthritis in patients, 6 years of age and older, who have had an inadequate response to, or who are intolerant of, conventional therapy (see section 5. axial spondyloarthritisankylosing spondylitis (as)imraldi is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of asimraldi is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of as but with objective signs of inflammation by elevated crp and / or mri, who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids). psorjatika arthritisimraldi huwa indikat għall-kura tas-sustanza attiva u progressiva artrite psorjatika fl-adulti meta r-rispons għall-preċedenti li jimmodifikaw il-marda anti-rewmatiċi terapija bil-mediċina kienet inadegwata. adalimumab has been shown to reduce the rate of progression of peripheral joint damage as measured by x-ray in patients with polyarticular symmetrical subtypes of the disease (see section 5. 1) u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika. psoriasisimraldi huwa indikat għall-kura moderata għal severa ta ' psorjasi tal-plakka kronika f'pazjenti adulti li huma kandidati għat-terapija sistemika. pedjatrika tal-plakka psoriasisimraldi huwa indikat għall-kura ta kroniku sever tal-psorjasi tal-plakka fit-tfal u fl-adolexxenti mill-età ta ' 4 snin li kellhom rispons inadegwat għal, jew huma xierqa għall-kandidati għal terapija topika u fototerapiji. hidradenitis suppurativa (hs)imraldi is indicated for the treatment of active moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age with an inadequate response to conventional systemic hs therapy (see sections 5. 1 u 5. crohn diseaseimraldi huwa indikat għall-kura ta attiva minn moderata sa gravi marda ta ' crohn, f'pazjenti adulti li ma kellhomx rispons minkejja sħiħ u adegwat matul it-terapija b'xi corticosteroid u/jew immunosoppressanti; jew li huma intolleranti għal, jew li jkollhom kontra-indikazzjonijiet mediċi għal terapiji bħal dawn. paediatric crohn's diseaseimraldi is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active crohn's disease in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including primary nutrition therapy and a corticosteroid and/or an immunomodulator, or who are intolerant to or haveulcerative colitisimraldi is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. paediatric ulcerative colitisimraldi is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and/or 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. uveitisimraldi is indicated for the treatment of non-infectious intermediate, posterior and panuveitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to corticosteroids, in patients in need of corticosteroidsparing, or in whomcorticosteroid treatment is inappropriate. paediatric uveitisimraldi is indicated for the treatment of paediatric chronic non-infectious anterior uveitis in patients from 2 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are intolerant to conventional therapy, or in whom conventional therapy is inappropriate.

Halimatoz Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - adalimumab - hidradenitis suppurativa; psoriasis; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; uveitis; arthritis, rheumatoid; spondylitis, ankylosing; arthritis, psoriatic - immunosoppressanti - rheumatoid arthritishalimatoz in combination with methotrexate, is indicated for:the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients when the response to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs including methotrexate has been inadequate. il-kura ta attiva u progressiva severa, artrite rewmatika fl-adulti li ma kienux ittrattati qabel b'methotrexate. halimatoz jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta trattamenti fit-tul b'methotrexate mhux adattat. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. juvenile idiopathic arthritispolyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritishalimatoz in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, in patients from the age of 2 years who have had an inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). halimatoz jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta titkompla l-kura b'methotrexate ma tkunx tajba (għall-effikaċja fil-monoterapija ara sezzjoni 5. adalimumab ma ġiex studjat f'pazjenti li għandhom inqas minn 2 snin. enthesitis-related arthritishalimatoz is indicated for the treatment of active enthesitis-related arthritis in patients, 6 years of age and older, who have had an inadequate response to, or who are intolerant of, conventional therapy. axial spondyloarthritisankylosing spondylitis (as)halimatoz is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. assjali aksjali mingħajr evidenza radjografika ta ashalimatoz huwa indikat għall-kura ta 'adulti li jbatu minn assjali aksjali mingħajr evidenza radjografika ta' kif iżda bil-għan sinjali ta 'infjammazzjoni minn crp għoli u / jew ta' l-mri, li kellhom rispons mhux adegwat għal, jew li huma intolleranti għal mediċini anti-infjammatorji. psorjatika arthritishalimatoz huwa indikat għall-kura tas-sustanza attiva u progressiva artrite psorjatika fl-adulti meta r-rispons għall-preċedenti li jimmodifikaw il-marda anti-rewmatiċi terapija bil-mediċina kienet inadegwata. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi periferali kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray f'pazjenti b'sottotipi poliartikulari simmetriċi tal-marda, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika. psoriasishalimatoz huwa indikat għall-kura moderata għal severa ta ' psorjasi tal-plakka kronika f'pazjenti adulti li huma kandidati għat-terapija sistemika. paediatric plaque psoriasishalimatoz is indicated for the treatment of severe chronic plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents from 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and phototherapies. hidradenitis suppurativa (sa)halimatoz huwa indikat għall-kura ta attiva minn moderata sa severa hidradenitis suppurativa (akne inversa) fl-adulti u addoloxxenti minn 12 il-sena b'rispons mhux adekwat għat-sistemiċi sa terapija. crohn diseasehalimatoz huwa indikat għall-kura ta attiva minn moderata sa gravi marda ta ' crohn f'pazjenti adulti li ma kellhomx rispons minkejja sħiħ u adegwat matul it-terapija b'xi corticosteroid u / jew immunosoppressanti; jew li huma intolleranti għal, jew li jkollhom kontra-indikazzjonijiet mediċi għal terapiji bħal dawn. paediatric crohn's diseasehalimatoz is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active crohn's disease in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including primary nutrition therapy and a corticosteroid and / or an immunomodulator, or who are intolerant to or have contraindications for such therapies. ulcerative colitis/ uveitis/ paediatric uveitisfor full indication see 4.

Hyrimoz Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


sandoz gmbh - adalimumab - arthritis, rheumatoid; arthritis, psoriatic; spondylitis, ankylosing; uveitis; hidradenitis suppurativa; colitis, ulcerative; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid; crohn disease; skin diseases, papulosquamous - immunosoppressanti - rheumatoid arthritishyrimoz in combination with methotrexate, is indicated for:- the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients when the response to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs including methotrexate has been inadequate. - the treatment of severe, active and progressive rheumatoid arthritis in adults not previously treated with methotrexate. hyrimoz jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta trattamenti fit-tul b'methotrexate mhux adattat. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. juvenile idiopathic arthritis- polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritishyrimoz in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, in patients from the age of 2 years who have had an inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). hyrimoz jista 'jingħata bħala monoterapija f'kaz ta' intolleranza għal methotrexate jew meta trattamenti fit-tul b'methotrexate mhux adattat. adalimumab ma ġiex studjat f'pazjenti li għandhom inqas minn 2 snin. - enthesitis-related arthritishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of active enthesitis-related arthritis in patients, 6 years of age and older, who have had an inadequate response to, or who are intolerant of, conventional therapy. axial spondyloarthritis- ankylosing spondylitis (as)hyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. - axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of ashyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of as but with objective signs of inflammation by elevated crp and / or mri, who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. psoriatic arthritishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of active and progressive psoriatic arthritis in adults when the response to previous disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug therapy has been inadequate. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi periferali kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray f'pazjenti b'sottotipi poliartikulari simmetriċi tal-marda, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika. psoriasishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis in adult patients who are candidates for systemic therapy. paediatric plaque psoriasishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of severe chronic plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents from 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and phototherapies. hidradenitis suppurativa (hs)hyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of active moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age with an inadequate response to conventional systemic hs therapy. crohn’s diseasehyrimoz is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active crohn’s disease in adult patients who have not responded despite a full and adequate course of therapy with a corticosteroid and / or an immunosuppressant; or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. paediatric crohn's diseasehyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active crohn's disease in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including primary nutrition therapy and a corticosteroid and / or an immunomodulator, or who are intolerant to or have contraindications for such therapies.  paediatric ulcerative colitishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and/or 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. ulcerative colitishyrimoz is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. uveitishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of non-infectious intermediate, posterior and panuveitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to corticosteroids, in patients in need of corticosteroid-sparing, or in whom corticosteroid treatment is inappropriate. paediatric uveitishyrimoz is indicated for the treatment of paediatric chronic non-infectious anterior uveitis in patients from 2 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are intolerant to conventional therapy, or in whom conventional therapy is inappropriate.

Juluca Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


viiv healthcare b.v. - dolutegravir tas-sodju, rilpivirina hydrochloride - infezzjonijiet ta 'hiv - antivirali għal użu sistemiku - juluca huwa indikat għall-kura tal-vajrus tal-immunodefiċjenza umana tat-tip 1 (hiv-1) f'adulti li huma viroloġikament-mrażżna (hiv-1 rna.

LysaKare Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


advanced accelerator applications - l-arginine hydrochloride, l-lysine hydrochloride - ir-radjazzjoni korrimenti - detoxifying agents for antineoplastic treatment - lysakare huwa indikat għat-tnaqqis tal-kliewi espożizzjoni għar-radjazzjoni matul il-peptide-riċettur radjunuklidi-terapija (prrt) ma lutetium (177lu) oxodotreotide fl-adulti.

Inrebic Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


bristol myers squibb pharma eeig - fedratinib dihydrochloride monohydrate - myeloproliferative disorders; primary myelofibrosis - aġenti antineoplastiċi - inrebic is indicated for the treatment of disease-related splenomegaly or symptoms in adult patients with primary myelofibrosis, post polycythaemia vera myelofibrosis or post essential thrombocythaemia myelofibrosis who are janus associated kinase (jak) inhibitor naïve or have been treated with ruxolitinib.

Yuflyma Unjoni Ewropea - Malti - EMA (European Medicines Agency)


celltrion healthcare hungary kft. - adalimumab - arthritis, rheumatoid; arthritis, psoriatic; psoriasis; spondylitis, ankylosing; uveitis; hidradenitis suppurativa; colitis, ulcerative; crohn disease; arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid - immunosoppressanti - rheumatoid arthritisyuflyma in combination with methotrexate, is indicated for:- the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients when the response to disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs including methotrexate has been inadequate. - the treatment of severe, active and progressive rheumatoid arthritis in adults not previously treated with methotrexate. yuflyma can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued treatment with methotrexate is inappropriate. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray, u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika, meta jingħata flimkien ma ' methotrexate. juvenile idiopathic arthritispolyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritisyuflyma in combination with methotrexate is indicated for the treatment of active polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis, in patients from the age of 2 years who have had an inadequate response to one or more disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (dmards). yuflyma can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued treatment with methotrexate is inappropriate (for the efficacy in monotherapy see section 5. adalimumab ma ġiex studjat f'pazjenti li għandhom inqas minn 2 snin. enthesitis-related arthritisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of active enthesitis-related arthritis in patients, 6 years of age and older, who have had an inadequate response to, or who are intolerant of, conventional therapy (see section 5. axial spondyloarthritisankylosing spondylitis (as)yuflyma is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy. axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of asyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of adults with severe axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of as but with objective signs of inflammation by elevated crp and/or mri, who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids). psoriatic arthritisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of active and progressive psoriatic arthritis in adults when the response to previous disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug therapy has been inadequate. adalimumab ġie muri li jnaqqas ir-rata ta 'progressjoni tal-ħsara fil-ġogi periferali kif imkejjel permezz ta' x-ray f'pazjenti b'sottotipi poliartikulari simmetriċi tal-marda (ara sezzjoni 5. 1) u li jtejjeb il-funzjoni fiżika. psoriasisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis in adult patients who are candidates for systemic therapy. paediatric plaque psoriasisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of severe chronic plaque psoriasis in children and adolescents from 4 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are inappropriate candidates for topical therapy and phototherapies. hidradenitis suppurativa (hs)yuflyma is indicated for the treatment of active moderate to severe hidradenitis suppurativa (acne inversa) in adults and adolescents from 12 years of age with an inadequate response to conventional systemic hs therapy (see sections 5. 1 u 5. crohn’s diseaseyuflyma is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active crohn’s disease, in adult patients who have not responded despite a full and adequate course of therapy with a corticosteroid and/or an immunosuppressant; or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. paediatric crohn's diseaseyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active crohn's disease in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including primary nutrition therapy and a corticosteroid and/or an immunomodulator, or who are intolerant to or have contraindications for such therapies. ulcerative colitisyuflyma is indicated for treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. paediatric ulcerative colitisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis in paediatric patients (from 6 years of age) who have had an inadequate response to conventional therapy including corticosteroids and/or 6-mercaptopurine (6-mp) or azathioprine (aza), or who are intolerant to or have medical contraindications for such therapies. uveitisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of non-infectious intermediate, posterior and panuveitis in adult patients who have had an inadequate response to corticosteroids, in patients in need of corticosteroid- sparing, or in whom corticosteroid treatment is inappropriate. paediatric uveitisyuflyma is indicated for the treatment of paediatric chronic non-infectious anterior uveitis in patients from 2 years of age who have had an inadequate response to or are intolerant to conventional therapy, or in whom conventional therapy is inappropriate.